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06 stycznia 2024

A Comprehensive Guide to Importing a Car to Poland



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Importing a car to Poland involves a series of steps, each with its own set of requirements and potential challenges. From understanding the excise tax to ensuring proper insurance, this guide will provide you with all the details you need to navigate the process smoothly.


Section 1: The Basics of Car Importation


Importing a car to Poland requires understanding various regulations, including customs duty, Value Added Tax (VAT), and excise tax. These charges apply to both new and used cars imported from abroad, regardless of whether they come from an EU or non-EU country.


Subsection 1.1: What You Should Know Before You Start


Before you embark on the journey to import a car, it's essential to understand the implications. The cost of importing a vehicle largely depends on the distance and its associated expenses. It's crucial to consider whether the operation will be profitable and decide on the most cost-effective transport method.


Subsection 1.2: Import Options


There are three basic import options to consider:


  • Independent transport of a deregistered vehicle
  • Independent transport of a vehicle still registered abroad
  • Entrusting the transport to an intermediary or a tow truck

Each option comes with its advantages and drawbacks, so it's crucial to choose the one that best fits your needs and budget.


Section 2: Understanding Excise Tax


One of the crucial costs associated with importing a car to Poland is the excise tax. This is a tax that applies to all passenger vehicles imported from abroad, whether they're new or used.


Subsection 2.1: Excise Tax Rates


The excise tax rate depends on the engine size of the vehicle you're importing. For vehicles with engines up to 2000 cm3, the rate is 3.1%. For those with engines exceeding 2000 cm3, the rate increases to 18.6%.


Subsection 2.2: Excise Tax Exceptions


Certain vehicles are exempt from excise tax. For instance, hybrid and electric vehicles with an engine size of more than 2000 cm3 but not exceeding 3500 cm3 pay a lower rate of 9.3%.


Section 3: Documentation for Importing a Car


When importing a car to Poland, you must obtain specific documents to finalize the import process and register the vehicle in Poland.


Subsection 3.1: Documents Needed for Importing a Car


When buying a vehicle abroad, you need to receive:

  • Vehicle card
  • Proof of registration
  • Certificate of deregistration of the vehicle

Subsection 3.2: Translating the Documents


Foreign-language documents must be translated into Polish by a sworn translator. This is crucial for the registration process, as Polish law requires all documents to be in the Polish language.


Section 4: Calculating the Cost of Importing a Car


The cost of importing a car from different countries in Europe varies. Several factors influence the final price, including the country of origin, the route's length and complexity, the vehicle's type and condition, and the chosen transport company.


Subsection 4.1: Costs Associated with Importing a Car


Transporting the purchased vehicle to Poland independently is the cheapest option. However, it's worth noting that for some, the distance could pose a problem, the formal obstacles could be intimidating, or simply the convenience matters more. Thus, arranging transport and letting a carrier handle everything is an option some people choose.


Subsection 4.2: Estimating the Cost


According to data from the Clicktrans website, the average cost of transporting a vehicle from abroad is about PLN 1-2 per kilometer of the traveled route. However, the exact price depends on various factors.


Section 5: Car Insurance with Akcyzawarszawa.pl


When importing a car to Poland, it's crucial to have proper insurance. Akcyzawarszawa.pl offers competitive pricing, customization, and comprehensive coverage, making it a reliable choice for your car insurance needs.


Subsection 5.1: Benefits of Car Insurance with Akcyzawarszawa.pl


Akcyzawarszawa.pl provides various benefits for its customers. These include competitive pricing that considers your specific needs and situation, the ability to customize your coverage to ensure you're protected in all scenarios, and comprehensive coverage that gives you peace of mind.


Section 6: Registering an Imported Car in Poland


After importing a car to Poland, you need to register it. Registering an imported car involves several steps and costs that you need to be aware of.


Subsection 6.1: Registration Process


You need to register the imported vehicle in Poland. The total cost includes the insurance of the registration certificate and plates, which amounts to PLN 256.


Subsection 6.2: Insurance


The imported car must have a compulsory third-party liability insurance policy. This should be done no later than the day you register your vehicle in Poland.


Section 7: Deregistering a Vehicle


If you're planning to sell your car abroad or return to your home country with it, you'll need to deregister the vehicle in Poland.


Subsection 7.1: How to Deregister a Vehicle


To deregister a vehicle in Poland, you need to submit a completed application for deregistration at the Communication Department, return the registration plates, and show the registration certificate and vehicle card.


Subsection 7.2: Vehicle Export from Poland


If you're exporting a car from Poland, you need to follow certain procedures and rules to ensure a smooth process.


Section 8: Excise Duty Penalties


Failing to pay the excise duty for your imported car can lead to penalties. It's essential to understand these penalties to avoid any legal trouble.


Subsection 8.1: Penalties for Non-Payment


For each day of delay in the payment of the excise tax, the tax office will charge penalty interest. Furthermore, registering a car without showing proof of excise tax payment will not be possible.


Subsection 8.2: Avoiding Penalties


To avoid these penalties, it's crucial to pay the excise tax within the designated period. This ensures a smooth registration process and prevents any legal issues.


Section 9: Conclusion


Importing a car to Poland involves several steps and costs. Understanding these aspects can help you navigate through the process smoothly and avoid any unnecessary trouble. Whether you're importing a new car or a used one, knowing the ins and outs of the process can save you time, money, and stress.


Section 10: FAQ


In this section, we'll tackle some of the most common questions about importing a car to Poland.


Subsection 10.1: Which Cars Are Exempt from Excise Tax?


Electric cars with extended range (REX), plug-in hybrids with an internal combustion engine of less than 2000 cm3, trucks with a total weight of less than 3.5 tons, and motorcycles are exempt from excise tax.


Subsection 10.2: Can I Pay the Excise Tax Online?


Yes. You can fill out the tax declaration form AKC/U-S online and submit it through the Platform for Electronic Tax and Customs Services (PUESC).


Pay tax car fast & Akcyzawarszawa.pl


Section 11: Useful Resources


For further information about importing a car to Poland, you can refer to the following resources:



Section 12: Contact Information


For any additional queries or assistance regarding importing a car to Poland, feel free to contact us at kontakt@akcyzawarszawa.pl. Our team of experts will be more than happy to guide you through the process and answer any questions you may have.

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