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12 stycznia 2024

Company Registration in Poland: A Comprehensive Guide



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Starting a business abroad can seem like a daunting task, particularly when dealing with the intricacies of foreign regulations and procedures. This guide aims to streamline the company registration process in Poland, providing clear, concise, and practical advice to help you navigate through each step successfully.


Why Register a Company in Poland?


Poland, with its stable and fast-growing economy, offers an attractive environment for foreign investors. The Polish government encourages direct foreign investment and treats foreign entrepreneurs equally with local ones. With a corporate tax rate as low as 9% for small taxpayers and an array of tax incentives available, setting up a business in Poland can be highly advantageous.


Choosing the Right Legal Structure


Your first step in the company registration process is to choose the type of legal entity for your business. The most popular choice among foreign investors is the Limited Liability Company (LLC), also known as 'Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością' or 'Sp. z o.o.' in Polish. This legal structure is favored due to its limited liability feature and its suitability for small to medium-sized businesses.


Deciding on Key Features of Your Company


Before you begin the registration process, decide on the key attributes of your company. This includes choosing a unique company name, determining the share capital, and setting the representation rules. Remember that the company name must be original and not currently in use by any other registered company in Poland.


Gathering Necessary Documentation


Depending on whether you're a private individual or a foreign company intending to register a subsidiary in Poland, the required documentation will vary. As a private individual, you'll need to provide identification such as an ID or passport. If you represent a foreign company, you'll need to present an excerpt from your local company registry along with identification for the individuals who will serve on the board of the Polish entity.


Company Incorporation Process


There are two primary ways you can set up your company in Poland:


  • Traditional Method: This involves drafting an agreement on paper, which allows for greater freedom in setting the agreement's terms. This process is usually completed at a notary's office and comes with associated costs.
  • Online Method: This involves using an existing contract template available online. Although this method is cheaper and faster, it requires you to have a qualified signature.

Registering Your Company


Once the company has a bank account, and the Articles of Incorporation have been drafted and notarized, it can be registered at the National Court Register (KRS). Following its registration, the company can then obtain the KRS number and then it can be registered for tax purposes.


Post-Registration Compliance


After your company is registered, there are several post-registration obligations to fulfill, including obtaining an electronic signature for each member of the Management Board, reporting the Ultimate Beneficial Owner (UBO) of the newly incorporated company, and opening a bank account.


Adopting the Right Approach


When deciding whether you'll be present in Poland for the final incorporation steps or if you'd prefer a remote approach, consider the services of akcyzawarszawa.pl. This company specializes in handling car insurance and registration for customers, making it an ideal choice for businesses planning to import vehicles from abroad. They also deal with excise duties, simplifying the process and allowing you to focus on your core business operations.




Registering a company in Poland may seem like a complex process, but with the right guidance and support, it can be a straightforward task.

This guide provides a comprehensive overview of the process, but remember that each business is unique and may have specific requirements or encounters individual challenges. Be sure to seek professional advice when necessary, and consider outsourcing certain tasks to experts, such as akcyzawarszawa.pl, to streamline the process and ensure compliance with all regulations.


So, are you ready to register your company in Poland? With careful planning, the right support, and a clear understanding of the process, you could be the proud owner of a Polish company sooner than you think. Good luck!

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