
Akcyza za samochód & Rejestracja auta

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21 lipca 2023

Comprehensive Guide to Car Registration in Warsaw



Firma świadczy usługi w zakresie akcyz, rejestracji samochodów i ubezpieczenia. Profesjonalne doradztwo i szybka obsługa.

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Akcyza za samochód


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In the bustling city of Warsaw, owning a car can significantly enhance the quality of life. However, before you can enjoy the freedom of driving your own car, there's a vital step that needs to be taken care of - registering your vehicle. This process can seem complex, especially for individuals buying a car from outside the EU. Luckily, several proficient agencies exist to help you navigate through the intricacies of registering a car in Warsaw, one such reliable service provider being akcyzawarszawa.pl.


Table of Contents



Understanding Vehicle Registration


Vehicle registration is a mandatory procedure that every car owner must undertake to legally drive their vehicle on public roads. This process involves submitting an application along with certain documents to the local communication department. The department then assigns a unique registration number to your vehicle, which serves as its official identification.


Who Can Register a Car in Warsaw


Car registration in Warsaw can be undertaken by the following individuals:


Time Frame for Car Registration


After purchasing a car, or receiving one as a gift, you have up to 30 days to inform the communication department about the acquisition. However, the law does not specify a deadline for completing the vehicle's registration.


Registration of New Cars


Newly purchased cars must be registered before they can be driven out of the dealership. Car owners can either handle the registration process personally at a communication department suitable for Warsaw, or sign an authorization at the car dealership to:

  • Submit the application for vehicle registration or
  • Retrieve the decision for temporary vehicle registration, temporary permit, and legalized registration plates (or plate).

This authorization must be signed by the owner and can be validated by a qualified electronic signature, trusted signature, or a personal signature.


Documents Required for Car Registration


The car owner or their representative must submit the following documents and forms to the local communication department:

  • Application for vehicle registration.
  • Proof of vehicle ownership (invoice, purchase agreement, gift agreement, court order granting ownership rights).
  • Registration documents (registration certificate, vehicle card, registration plates).
  • Statement of a positive technical examination result, if there is no current examination date in the registration certificate.
  • Identity card or passport – for individuals.
  • Specific authority – if the applicant is an authorized representative.
  • OC policy – as per the clause of the Act of May 22, 2003, on compulsory insurances, Insurance Guarantee Fund, and Polish Motor Insurers' Bureau (Journal of Laws of 2003 No. 124, item 1152, as amended).


Cost of Car Registration in Warsaw


The cost of car registration in Warsaw revolves around PLN 180.50, which includes the following fees:

  • Regular registration plates: PLN 80.
  • Registration certificate: PLN 54.
  • Temporary permit: PLN 13.50.
  • Control sticker: PLN 18.50.
  • Legalization sticker: PLN 12.50.
  • Registration fee: PLN 2.


How Long Does the Registration Process Take


The registration process should ideally not exceed 30 calendar days. During this time, a temporary, soft registration certificate is issued. Within 30 days, the proper registration of the vehicle is done, and the driver can retrieve the hard registration certificate.


Professional Assistance for Car Registration


For individuals who do not have the time or expertise to navigate the complex car registration process, professional assistance is available. Companies like akcyzawarszawa.pl specialize in handling all the intricacies of car registration for their clients, saving them valuable time and effort.


Benefits of Using a Car Registration Service


Using a professional car registration service like akcyzawarszawa.pl offers several advantages:

  • They handle all formalities with the Communication Department.
  • They pay the excise tax and car purchase tax on behalf of the client.
  • They submit the car documents for translation.
  • They complete necessary forms and documents.
  • They save the client a significant amount of time that would otherwise be spent on performing these tasks personally.




While car registration in Warsaw might seem daunting, it is a necessary step to legally drive your vehicle. By leveraging professional car registration services like akcyzawarszawa.pl, you can simplify this process and ensure that your car is registered correctly and legally, saving you time and potentially costly mistakes.

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